Fort d’une expérience de 25 ans en marketing BtoB, notamment en location et vente de fichiers, en traitement de données Clients et Prospects, nous conseillons et accompagnons les entreprises dans la mise en œuvre de leurs campagnes.
29 Rue Benjamin Raspail 92240 Malakoff
+33(0)1 55 58 00 11


Fill in the form

To contact us, you can use the form which is on the right.

29 Rue Benjamin Raspail - 92240 Malakoff

+33(0)1 55 58 00 11

The information gathered here is subject to computer processing in our CRM tool in a secure environment, intended to provide you with commercial information in accordance with your expectations in data and customer knowledge.
In no case your personal data are transferred to third companies for the purpose of prospecting.
As such, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 “GDPR”, you have a right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition, portability of your data.
You can exercise this right at any time by writing to DBI: laure LUTAUD – DPO – 29 rue benjamin raspail – 92240 malakoff – dpo(@)direcbusiness.fr


    29 Rue Benjamin Raspail - 92240 Malakoff


    +33(0)1 55 58 00 11

